A few years ago, our family was going through a particularly difficult time. It was the height of the pandemic, and my daughters were both struggling. It had been a very stressful couple years (this is actually an understatement). We were not WETSUing! I set out on a journey to do meditation, my way.
When an issue arises, I am a person who jumps into action immediately. I research, find the best resources, interview, set up follow-up meetings, etc. Rinse, repeat. I even pre-anticipate what the next issue might be, and find resources for that, preemptively. I’m good at it – in fact, I would want me in my corner. The problem is that over a sustained period, it takes its toll.
After engaging a particularly talented, insightful therapist, she identified it as “over functioning” to deal with my profound worry and trying to control the uncontrollable”. She hit the nail on the head. She knew that I couldn’t go from my hyper state to calm without some interim steps. And she wanted me to be able to calm myself down and, ultimately, keep it at bay.
Meditation Space For Beginners
Her suggestion was to find a place in the house that could be my meditation spot. I felt like even the term “meditation” might be too ambitious. The idea of meditation had interested me for years. I had done some guided meditations, but when the talking was finished and it was time to quiet my mind – No Can Do! Meditation seemed like this elusive, tranquil state that others could achieve, but not me.
So, she encouraged me to start small. To just create a space that I could sit and associate with quiet. She said to make it pretty, put some of my favorite things in the space and start there. By Doctor’s orders, I had to decorate a space in my house. Okay, Can Do!
Meditation Corner
I found a spot in the basement by a spare bed that wouldn’t generally be disturbed by the teens that usually hung out down there. I went on a small shopping spree for some comfortable pillows of different sizes and textures to support my back as I sat on the floor. Then bought two small rugs that I’d overlap to define the space and be comfortable (and cute). The theme was Boho Blue. Still the blue textiles I was naturally drawn to, but with a faint bohemian vibe.

I had seen people use Tibetan Singing Bowls and was intrigued. Maybe this would help me get closer to actual mediation. It was worth a try. One Sunday, I went to a crystal store in Chicago that sold them. I talked to the owner who showed me how to use them and get the bowl actually singing and a bit about what the symbols meant. As I tried the different ones, I realized that the sounds were very different. The bigger the bowl the deeper the sound; the smaller ones seemed to have more high-pitched sounds. Since my goal was calm, I went with a bigger bowl with a deeper, resonate sound.
Next, per her instructions, I put some of my favorite things there. I placed a bowl of sea glass and a couple heart rocks and some shells from the town in Florida that my family has been going to since I was a baby. I look at those shells and know that my mother, who passed away in 2020, has walked on that sand, maybe on those exact shells.
Daily Ritual
The first thing I do every morning is go to this spot and sit. I just try to quiet my mind – and breathe. And I try to let go of any judgment that I’m doing it wrong. I am doing it right for me. It has become my quiet spot. I usually just lightly hit the sides of the singing bowl. The deep gong sound is soothing, and I feel the vibration in my hand and visualize it moving through my body. I usually end by saying in my head, or sometimes out loud, “thank you”. Not sure who I’m talking to, but I’m registering my gratitude to the universe.
There have been stressful times where I just close my eyes and recall the sound and feeling of that little spot and it does bring me back to my center a bit. It’s not perfect, but it has helped on this journey.
Ideas to Create Your Own Meditation Space
I share this so that it might inspire you to find your own peace. That meditation my way can become meditation, YOUR way. The key is that this space needs to be extremely comfortable and calm. A space where you can be alone, uninterrupted for a few minutes a day.
I’ve pulled together links to similar items as in my meditation corner. This is just for reference. Design your spot with the colors and textures that will be inviting to you. Then add personal mementos and items that resonate with you.
Note: This site contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Soft, comfortable rugs are the foundation of my space. I layered two different sizes, with a larger cotton stripe rug on the bottom and a smaller, vintage-type patterned rug on top. I’ve listed a few rugs below. These have a similar vibe and are from a brand I’ve had positive experience with.
- Safavieh Handmade Boho Rug, 3 x 5 feet.
- Safavieh Morocan Boho Tribal Rug, 2.6 x 4 feet.
The goal here is to layer different sizes and patterns to create visual interest. And, of course, be comfortable. You may find yourself sitting on one of the pillows. Or, moving them around to support your back. You will want to get comfortable so you can remove that as a distraction.
- Large, euro-size, 26 x 26-inch pillow covers will be the foundation. I love the fabric and stitching on these.
- Then add in different, smaller pillows. These covers are available in multiple sizes, including the next smaller size, 20 x 20-inch and other fabric choices.
- You will need inserts for these pillow covers. I have linked both down and synthetic-down options. Both will be comfortable, it’s really your preference.
Tibetan Singing Bowl and Platform
- This bowl is similar to mine (plain, hammered). It comes in different sizes, I have the 6″. I like the sound of a covered hammer (vs. just wood). This one has lots of videos of people using it so you can hear the sound.
- I placed mine on a wooden riser. I wanted to create another surface to make the area feel special. This is totally optional, but here’s a link to a similar one as mine.
Lantern with Fairy Lights
I have an open weave lantern (that was meant to hold a candle) with fairy lights coiled in in. I used a 10′ string of lights with a timer. The timer goes on at 5:00am, so it’s lit and welcomes me each morning.
- Lantern — Any open weave basket or lantern will do, this one is cute and not that expensive.
- Fairy lights — You want the “dew drop” kind on a fine wire so you can randomly place the string of lights in the lantern. Here’s a link to a set of 10′ lights with a timer.
A Word to the Wise
Once you have your meditation spot, start small. Just spend time there and see what comes up for you. Try not to set expectations. Let it be a no-self-judgement-zone. There is no right or wrong way. The space will become what you need in your life.
I hope this helps you find that little bit of Zen that we all could use in our frantic lives.